Preliminary account related to a short examination of maadan Tarquoise mine area( Nishapur area)
/ by T. Jarchovsky...[et al.](Jarchovsky, T.)
A Short memorial on the trip to the granite and metamorphic Area, south of Hamadan
/ By Shuichi Iwao and Abdorrahim Hooshmandzadeh(Houshmand, Abdorrahim)
Benefication of Shemshak phosphate
/ By Ahmad Rahjoo()
Geochemical mapping of Yazd- Sabzevaran Region Scale: 1:100,000 Sheet 6951- Dehaj
/ Geological Surveey of Iran
Geochemical mapping of Yazd- Sabzevaran region scale: 1:100,000 sheet 7051- Anar
/ Geological Survey of Iran