تازه‌های منابع دیجیتال

The Use of Shemshak phosphate rocks or the manufacture of phosphatic fertilizers

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Reort of investigation of heavy media concentration of Elburz devonian phosphate

/ By Geoge Alctan()

The Absolute age of the base of the olduvai even is only 750,000 years

/ [By] M. Pedrami()

Examination of lead prospects near Golpaygan and Khomein( Iran prospect at Shamsabad Appended)

/ By William E. Warne(Regue, Richard G.)

Importance des intrusions ultrabasiques rubannees a contact thermique dans l evolution du meamorphisme de haute preion des cones a coloured melange( exemple de la region d Esfandagheh- Iran Meridional)

/ By Mossayeb Sabzehi()