مدارک جدید کتابخانه

Wenlockian and ludlovian age brachiopods from the roberts mountains formation of Central Nevada/ J.G. Johnson, A.J.Boucot, and M.A. Murphy

Johnson, J. G., Boucot,A. J.

Brachiopods and molluscs from geirud formation, member a ( upper devoian and Tournaisian)/ Maurizio. Gaetani

Gaetani, Maurizio

Contrbution to the paleontology and stratigraphy of Iran, part I

K. Seyed_ Emami, A. Haghipour and A. Brants

Rudists and Facies of the periadriatic Domain/ Riccardo Cestari , Dario Sartorio

Cestari, Riccardo

Pridolian and early gedinnian age brachiopods from the roberts mountains formation of Central Nevada/ J.G. Johnson, A.J.Boucot, and M.A. Murphy

Johnson, J.G., Boucot, A.J.