The Geology of the Upper djadjerud and Lar Valleys ( North- Iran ) II. Paleontology, Bryozoans, Brachiopods and Molluscs From Ruteh Limestone( Permian )[مقاله لاتین]

Record Identifier: 22401
Old Record Identifier: 954
Bibliography number: 981A
Title and statement of responsibility: The Geology of the Upper djadjerud and Lar Valleys ( North- Iran ) II. Paleontology, Bryozoans, Brachiopods and Molluscs From Ruteh Limestone( Permian )
Language of Text: per
Piece Level: ،1965
Date of Publication: 1965
subject: Limestone
subject: Ruteh Iran
subject: Lar valley
subject: Bryozoa
subject: Brachiopoda
subject: Mollusca
Country: IR
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